
To have your book considered to be represented by our agency, send attachments by email with a synopsis and the first 50 pages

For nonfiction, include a detailed table of contents. Your book query doesn’t need to be completely finished. The finished manuscript needs to be a minimum of 30,000 words not including front and back matter

For fiction, your synopsis needs to be 3 - 5 pages (1,000 words in length is optimal) and explaining all twists and turns in the plot and how the book ends

All material needs to be in Microsoft Word, 12-point type, in Times New Roman or Arial font, double spaced, with page numbers added, and sent as a separate attachment. That is, synopsis, first 50 pages, author bio, and table of contents as separate attachments - DO NOT PASTE THIS MATERIAL INTO YOUR EMAIL MESSAGE

We are interested in fiction (all genres), business books, children’s fiction and nonfiction (picture books, young readers, intermediate, and young adult), memoirs, photography, art, film and TV, mind-body-spirit, cookbooks, lifestyle, poetry, history, recovery, and health

Email to, or go to the Contact page on our website

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